Harvard, the CIA, and All That

After Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government rescinded its invitation to Army whistle-blower Chelsea Manning (whom Obama sprung from the brig by pardoning her), a chorus of protest (led by 19,000 Harvard alumni and 169 professors) ensued. The main issue, according to them and the press, was how the Institute of Politics (IOP) at … Continue reading “Harvard, the CIA, and All That”

Letter to an Erstwhile Comrade

Dear Alexander, wherever you are, Happy birthday, comrade! How’s the struggle going out there? Tell me, cuz we need your help, now more than ever. For reasons I could enumerate but can’t concretely substantiate, I’m writing via Celestial Post rather than virtually. I’m not sure what has made loquacious me, unlike you, fraught to propel … Continue reading “Letter to an Erstwhile Comrade”

Tout le monde méprise la politique

In honor of the French Presidential election and its resonance to our recent none-of-the-above presidential plebiscite, here’s a replay of my own October Surprise (with apologies to rap artists everywhere). Come election time you’ll need some wine to swallow the sorrow you’ll feel on the morrow so bring the gang over to get a hangover … Continue reading “Tout le monde méprise la politique”

Catch of the Day

Flash fiction from a while ago, refurbished and scanned for malware As usual, Max was working late. Not so usual for the pair of quality engineers who had invaded his cubicle, waiting to be noticed. “Earth to Max,” one of them finally annouced.        “Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said,” he murmured, looking up from … Continue reading “Catch of the Day”

Talking Back to my Radio

Have you ever reacted badly to a newscast on radio or TV and shouted at your set things like “Why not admit our wars in the Middle East caused all this chaos!” or “Ask him how much he was paid to mouth that b.s!” or “I’m sick and tired of hearing those stupid stump speeches!” … Continue reading “Talking Back to my Radio”